
First Blog Post

Post made: 9/13/2024

So uhhhh, idk what to say here yet, this is p much just a test post. But uhhh... Actually idk what to talk about. I mean- I guess there IS something, and it's that I wanna say that I have BIG plans for this website. I want these pages to have more of individual themes, and just more charm and character overall. One idea I have is having the OCs page be similar to Sonic Advance's, though I dont have the skill for that yet, which is why it's currently under construction. I'm also thinking of having it be like a fighting game kinda character select? But again, dont have the coding skills for that yet. I also want more of these pages to have late 90s - early 2010s influence. Ofc, I gotta do all the basics and lay the foundation for the site first, before I move onto all the larger-scale stylistic flares and experimentation. I also wanna have a lil sound test room, with a lil guy that dances to the beat. That'll definitely be difficult to impliment I think. But yeah! Those are my current plans that I can think of! Thanks for reading! I plan on posting here like once a week at least.